Curriculum Guide download for Lucía the Luchadora



I love teachers. Literally love them. My mother and father were both teachers. I’ve got SIL’s who are teachers, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who are teachers. I was even a teacher for a short time in between college and graduate school, many, many years ago. Educators are close to my heart, and there’s nothing I love more than seeing – no, feeling – that spark in a classroom that happens when good teaching is at work. It’s like magic, beautiful magic.

So when Lucía the Luchadora got close to the printing phase, I started thinking about creating a curriculum guide to go with the book. I turned to an education expert – well, she’s actually a good friend of mine – my comadre Giselle and asked if she knew anyone who could create a guide. OF COURSE! she said enthusiastically, and put me in touch straight away with Becky Palacios, teacher extraordinaire, whom I had met a few years ago. Becky, ahem, Dr. Rebecca Palacios, was a preschool teacher for over thirty years in Corpus Christi, Texas, which is a city not far from where I grew up (also home of Selena!!!). She’s a mover-and-shaker kind of educator, and in 2014 she was inducted into the National Teachers Hall of Fame. Becky is a real life luchadora!

The curriculum guide Becky created to go with Lucía the Luchadora is nothing short of awesome. Its filled with questions, lessons, ideas, and conversation starters for the classroom. It can be used for little ones and older students. And my favorite part is that it also includes lessons for English language learners.

I hope this curriculum guide inspires educators to make magic, beautiful magic in their classrooms. I’d love to hear from teachers all about it. Send me a message on Twitter anytime!